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The world today has transitioned from living our own lives to being pressured by life. What do I mean by this? Social media is vast and has become a part of almost everyone's lives, allowing us to see life updates from the people around us and making it too easy to compare ourselves to others.

Witnessing others reaching their life goals makes us happy and excited. But let's admit that looking at it will create pressure, especially when we have yet to find our way to success and achieve our own dreams.

But here's a question: what is really stopping you from getting where you want yourself to be?

If you are a virtual assistant looking to get clients or simply a person searching for your way to success, here's a word for you!

Your mind is the biggest obstacle between you and your goal.

Many of us think that success belongs to the privileged, not average people, so we don't bother trying. The main obstacle stopping us from achieving our goals and getting that client isn't our bank balance or lack of time – it's our mind. 

A clock with coffee

To combat thoughts that discourage you from chasing your dreams, practice divergent thinking. It is a method used to stimulate your creativity by generating ideas without limitation or restriction. The aim is to develop as many ideas as possible, not a perfect solution. It ensures you take all concepts seriously.

When you open up to a new way of thinking, every idea is welcome and embraced as a possibility, regardless of what situation you are in now.

Now, if you are wondering how you will achieve your dreams, here are 2 steps to take you there.

1. Dismiss the rational voice in your head.

Shunning your inner thoughts will allow your mind to enter the world of creativity and innovation. This allows you to explore what you could do rather than what you think you should do.

2. Stop hiding and start showing up with what you really want to offer.

After exploring what you can do, taking the necessary steps will get you closer to your goals. So, start seeking information related to the field or business. Have a conversation with potential clients or within the community. Show up for your products and services.⁣

Wherever you are in your life right now, whether you are a starter or already taking your way to your dreams, remember to generate opportunities instead of letting the pressure get to you.

Once you've finished yielding possibilities, you can welcome back your rational self to evaluate your ideas. And if your mind falls back on old or standard ideas, push it outside the box. Ask yourself what solution you'd reach in a science fiction world. It isn't as absurd as you might think. Always consider ideas that might be unconventional or outside the norm.

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