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A word to the wise business enthusiasts and entrepreneurs out there! Even though admitting error is a subject of shame, we will be delving deep into my business errors, missteps, and oversights today.

Most business experts quickly forget to talk about the less-than-glamorous side of being an entrepreneur: mistakes, screwups, and "oops" moments. Each of us has made choices that later left us asking, "What the heck was I thinking?"

Entrepreneur mindset

Overthinking everything is mistake number one. Okay, we can all admit we've done this at some point. We spend hours debating the best shade of blue for our logo, only to find we haven't done anything productive all day. Friends, perfectionism is the enemy of progress. Please don't allow it to eat into your productivity.

The second mistake is hiring the wrong people. It's common for us to make hires based on gut feelings rather than a resume. If you make a bad hire, don't be afraid to get rid of the employee.

Ignoring the power of marketing is the third error. Do you remember that fantastic product or service that you painstakingly designed and created? If nobody knows it exists, it won't make a difference in your business. Don't skimp on marketing. It would be like throwing the most extraordinary party ever and forgetting to send out invites if you cut down on marketing.

The fourth error is to place too little emphasis on the significance of adaptation. The only constant in life and business is change. If you are unwilling to adapt and change, you may as well make friends with your friendly local dodo bird, which is extinct and no longer relevant. It would help if you strived to be as flexible as an acrobat working at a circus.

The fifth error is allowing FEAR to prevent you from moving forward.

Fear is a strong emotion that might prevent you from taking a risk. Remember that every thriving enterprise began with the words, "What the heck, let's give it a shot." Feeling nervous is a good indicator that you may be on the verge of something great.

Finally, it's important to remember that workplace failures are rarely catastrophic. Errors occur as part of the natural learning process. So, let's go easy on ourselves. Rather, let's toast to the knowledge and insights we've acquired and the fantastic business adventure that lies ahead.

Don't forget that "Whoops, I won't do that again!" is typically the cornerstone of successful enterprises. Get out there, screw up, figure it out, and keep killing it in the corporate world!

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